Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Christmas Past-Christmas Present-Christmas Future

Just days away from Christmas and as the days progress day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, I find it increasingly more difficult to endure. I can't hide the tears nearly as much. They burst from my eyes like faucets that never want to end...

Everyday I want to scream. Every single day I want to rip every single Christmas decoration and throw it out the window and never look at it again. I hold strong, I close my eyes, I hide in my room, sometimes I even start drinking just enough to go numb, not drunk, but numb enough to endure the pain.

I can't help but look back to the year before... This time last year we were happy, we were all happy. Brian was clean, he had been for several months. I was insanely happy with my job, and working extra hours to help stuff the bus for needy children of Fremont County. I shopped and donated several toys for this campaign. 

My children had all decided to sponsor other families that were struggling for Christmas. The joy on their faces when I took them shopping, and they bought not just one toy for each kid, but four toys, and very expensive toys. We had gotten to give the 5 different children from two different families the gifts, and the mothers cried, saying this was the only Christmas that their children would get. My children were happy, proud, and embraced the true Christmas Spirit.

It was the year I was doing the best financially, and was able to provide for each of my children everything on their wish list. They insisted on buying both Brian and I gifts. We were so insanely happy and full of so much love, so much spirit this holiday season...

That was the last time we would ever be a family again...

I wanted to skip the holiday, every holiday to be exact. My family is missing two huge holes. Holes we cannot fill, holes that are painful for all of us. My kids hurt for their father, and the sister they thought they had. They hurt for the family that was full of laughter and so much love. They too wanted to escape the Holidays and just run away, go somewhere, no longer be this constant reminder of the family that is broken.  

I thought about it. I thought about skipping them all. 

It was after talking to a coworker about how her family never celebrated holidays, because her father walked out on them on Christmas, and holidays became a pastime. It was her story of how now that she is an adult, she doesn't know how to "do holidays", that got me thinking. She is with her boyfriend and they are doing the family thing, and she feels awkward about the traditions and unsure of what to do.

In that moment I realized that I was doing my children a disservice. I know they want to skip the holidays as much as I do, and just run away from the pain and the reminders. Then I remembered that as parents we raise our children to one day have their own families, to become husbands, to become a wife, and mother and fathers... If I raise them escaping holidays, they will grow up and fight with their spouses over celebrating the holidays and their traditions. They will kick and scream when it comes to family gatherings and dinners... They will want to run away on vacations to avoid the holidays, while their spouses will justifiably want to spend the holidays with their families. For this reason alone I will endure every holiday and try my best to contain my pain, my resentment, for their futures... 

I only pray I find the strength for my children, to embrace new traditions, and honor my husband's memory every year, and love him as I always have and always will, in his absence and somehow he will find a way to us in spirit, to remind us that he loves us too, and we are not forgotten... And remind me of the mother I need to be for our children, and give them the life they desperately deserve... 


Ugly Christmas Sweater

Eight years ago, Brian and I had just met a few months prior. We had just formed our relationship, it was a friendship filled with a very high level of sexual chemistry. There is a lot to say to where we stood at this moment in time, but that is for another story at another time.

I was working at Radio Shack in the Verizon part of the store, and it was our "ugly Christmas sweater" day. I had a blast and knew I looked awful. Brian came into the store, like he always did and all he could tell me was that I looked hot. I brushed it off as being totally ridiculous! No one looks hot in an ugly Christmas sweater. He seemed to love it though, and I still to this day, do not understand why or how.

Last year he went Christmas shopping for me, he had scoured every single store trying to find an "ugly Christmas sweater". I remember opening the gift and the smile of delighted anticipation in his eyes as I pulled out the hideous sweater, and I broke out into a laugh.

"I looked everywhere for an ugly sweater. I finally found one at K-Mart. I remember the first time I saw you in the ugly Christmas sweater and I loved it. So I decided every year I am going to buy you an ugly Christmas sweater." he told me.

My heart felt so full of love and filled with nostalgic memories, and I told him that I liked that tradition idea.

It's a year later and every store I walk into there are racks and racks of Christmas sweaters. Every time I see them, I frown with deep sorrow. I realized that last year was the beginning, and the end of the Christmas sweater tradition...

Today, with tears in my eyes, I picked up an "ugly Christmas sweater" bought myself a card, and checked out at the store. This gift I will wrap and put under the tree and carry on the tradition he wanted to start for me. I purchased this gift for me, from him... Every year I will always wear the last sweater he ever gave me, but I will also be sure that under that tree will always be the sweater I know he would want me to have. The sweater that he some how would find sexy on me.

I will pray he will be there with me on Christmas morning. Holding me, loving me, and whispering into my ear; "I love you my wife, my booboo." For every year I will wrap my arms tightly around my chest as though he were there, holding tight and whispering in to the still air, hoping he will hear my silent whispers; "I love you, my husband, my heart, my forever."