I used to believe everything happened in our life for a reason, and now I suddenly am completely lost. No way was this for a reason. What I am going through as well as everything I have gone through in my life, suddenly makes no sense...
I remember a conversation I had with my husband a couple years ago. He was always so down about life, and why bad shit always happened, and I would tell him "because as tragic and horrible as it is, it has always led to better things." He used to admire my optimism and faith in life. I lost that the day I lost him.
I woke up this morning and looked at my phone to realize what today was--June 23rd. Tears instantly started streaming down my face. It's not fair. It's not fair I have to be going through this.
Six years ago today, I had just gotten hit with the horrifying truth that my first husband, and I am not sure what to call him--not father, not dad, not sperm donor, just this person that I didn't really know, yet had bore all four of my children with him--had molested my four year old daughter, his own DNA.
I had gotten suspicious that something was wrong, but convinced myself I had to be wrong. Yet I had to know for sure to protect my child, my children. I had taken my daughter to the hospital the day before and they gave her a full exam only to come back and tell me there was trauma to the area but until the labs came back they would not know for certain, and that would take 9 weeks. I sat there in that room surrounded by DFS, and the Lander police detective, asking what I wanted to do. I told them I had to know. I couldn't wait for tests to come back. I couldn't risk him hurting my daughter if this was really happening. I was convinced I was wrong, I kept telling myself and everyone around me that it can't be true, that I was a monster for even suspecting something like this... But, I had this horrible nagging pit in my stomach that would not go away, and I knew I had to find out the truth.
I took the day off and set up a video camera in my daughters room. It took every ounce of strength I had to do this. I kept telling myself it wasn't true, and kept battling with what I should do. Finally after hours of walking around her room, and setting the camera up a million different times, I walked out. That night was awful! I pretended to go to bed, and I heard footsteps again in her room and that minute or two felt like an eternity! I got up and made as much noise as I could and he came out of her room, mind you the majority of his disgusting actions were done in her sleep. I retrieved the camera and refused to watch it that night out of fear. I knew if what I suspected was on that camera, I would end up dead or in prison. People who are confronted feel like a cornered dog, and I was afraid he would kill me to silence me, or I would kill him out of sheer rage.
I laid awake all night in bed staring at the ceiling praying to God I was wrong. When he went off to work I pulled out the camera, and as you can imagine, it was every mother's worst nightmare, right there playing reel for reel in front of my very eyes.
I called my best friend at the time in a panic and told her she had to take me to the police station immediately. I called my sister to come sit with my kids, and called my boss and told him I would not be in. I had to tell everyone what was going on and then I went to the police station and sat on the curb outside waiting for the detectives to come in for the morning to hand over the recorder.
I spent the remainder of my day curled up on my friends couch just staring in disbelief and total disgust, waiting to hear back from the detective after the questioning of this pedophile. The detective came and met me at my friends house and sat down in front of me and broke down in tears and told me that he had confessed to the entire thing. He stated that it had not gone on for long but yes, he had been doing this while she was sleeping.
It was over... my daughter was safe...
What I was not prepared for was the nightmare that would happen afterwards.
I was attacked verbally, through text messages, phone calls, Facebook posts, and messages. I was terrified to leave my house or answer any phone calls, I had only informed a very small handful of the necessary people what had happened, but when you live in a small town it does not take much to make the word travel fast. I avoided all phone calls and messages just stared off in space often in disgust and full of self blame. I was in shock!
The very next morning, my phone rang and I looked down to see it was Brian. I excused myself and stepped out on my porch and answered the phone.
"Kristie? What is going on? Why did I just hear from Alexa that your husband just got arrested for molesting your daughter? Why the FUCK didn't you call ME?! I shouldn't hear this from someone else!"
I just broke down crying and said "I don't know. I don't even know how all of this got out. I don't know what to do..."
"First thing you should have done was call ME! You should have told me and I could have handled it. What do you need me to do?"
"I'm scared Brian I don't know... I'm scared..."
"Do you want me to come sleep on your couch? Are you scared he will get out and someone will hurt you?"
"I don't know. Maybe... I don't know..."
"Well call me if you need me. For fucks sake don't let me hear about anything like this again through someone else!"
We hung up the phone and I went back inside. To face my life, to face reality...
I got numerous calls and texts from concerned friends, and people that would stop by, and eventually they all stopped coming by. Brian didn't, he was there everyday. He called me and texted me multiple times a day.
When I started work again, he would stop by my work every single day to check on me. One point after some horrific enounters with individuals, I became terrified of leaving my work or my home. I had developed severe social anxiety. Brian had stopped by to see me and could see the distress on my face and he asked me what was wrong, and I told him I was scared to leave my home or work. I didn't want to go grocery shopping I didn't want to even drive to work. I just wanted to be hide. I was scared of everyone.
He looked at me and told me "If you need me call me. If you need someone to go to the store with you I will go grocery shopping with you. If you are scared to walk across the street, call me, I will walk you across the street."
He was there for me, when no one else knew how to be. It seemed that with the darkness of his past he was able to use that to make me feel safe. He had witnessed so much evil and bad in his life, that he was not intimidated, or lost on how to be there. He was always there... even when I would try to push him away.
To top this off he had this little girl that was always alone. Her father was going through a nasty custody battle with the mother of his other two children, so she had little to no contact with her siblings at this time. I hated seeing her run around by herself and I was afraid something would happen to her. I felt this need to protect her. He was working from sun up to sun down, so I found myself taking her in daily.
Little did I know that her and my daughter would form an instant bond. I never knew that Kiki craved for a sister. Especially at a time I felt lost. They seemed to lean on one another. This little girl had become the greatest thing to happen to my daughter, and at that time I believed she needed my daughter too, and me. Or so she had me believe for so long...
Brian and I continued to grow closer, in his need to help me and distract him from losing his other two kids, in his need to have a positive female influence in his daughter's life. My need to feel as though I were "protecting" a child from being harmed from others. The need for my daughter to have someone to bond with and gain a "sister".
He was struggling with finances and was ready for a career change and so he ended up getting a job working next to me. I was so disgusted with my life, and what had happened that it became physically impossible for me to eat, or sleep. I would stay up until 3am and then wake up at 5am every single day. In that time I kept trying to fix various things in my house. Trying to prove my independence.
Brian began to baby feed me at work. Knowing I believed it rude to tell anyone no or turn down food, he would bring food to me everyday, not push it on me. He would bring the food set it down in front of me and then walk away, I would pick at it, hesitantly, here and there until eventually he could see I was done and then he would take it away. He made sure my water bottle was consistently full. If I were talking with a customer her would come get my bottle and fill it then hand it back to me.
I lost 80 lbs in 3 months and every person I encountered would talk about how "good" I looked. I hated it. I didn't earn it. I was wasting away out of horror and disgust, not hard work. I became increasingly annoyed. Brian never once mentioned my weight. Not before, not after, not during. He just fed me.
He put up with all of my crazy mood swings. When I would lash out and try to push him away, he would drive over at 2am just to calm me down. To sit with me in the dark and let me read text messages that were too long for him to send. He would always answer my frantic messages.
The very first court date I had to attend I had thought I could do it on my own. I had not asked anyone to go with me. I don't like inconveniencing others, I figured that this is my life, and I have to live it. When it was time for me to go, he looked at my face, and asked if I had someone to go with me. With my lips pursed together and all the blood drained from my face, I shook my head and walked out the door. I made it halfway to my car when Brian came up behind me and said "You should NOT be doing this alone. I'm going with you." I knew this was a huge risk for him, he had just started working there and he had told our boss that he didn't care, he was going. Thankfully my boss, although shocked, was impressed that Brian had stepped up as a man and was not going to let me do this on my own.
Brian went with me to every court date. It was difficult for him to sit there since he wanted nothing more than to lunge at my ex and kill him, but he knew that the greatest thing he could do was just be there for me, in silence.
When I fell behind on my mortgage, I was at a loss for what to do. I was losing everything all at once. I broke down in tears. I sat in the hallway behind my office and cried. Brian came to check on me, since I had been gone for so long, and when he asked what was wrong, I handed him the foreclosure papers.
"What are you going to do? You can't lose your house. That house doesn't belong to you, it belongs to your kids."
"I don't know. I don't know what to do. I have to file bankruptcy on all the other debts. I have nothing left."
"Well you better get up and make some phone calls you can't let this happen. You have to get up and fight."
I stood up and I went to him and put my arms around him and began crying more.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Just hold me. I just want you to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay."
He stood there with his arms down at his sides and became very aggravated and annoyed.
"Fine, but crying and holding you isn't going to save your house."
"FUCK YOU! Just GO!"
I pushed him away and went to the bathroom with renewed anger, I looked at myself in the mirror and pulled myself together, he was right. I was being weak and I had to do something.
I walked out of the bathroom and began making phone calls to my attorney. I noticed Brian was gone, figuring he went to lunch, I was still pissed at him, even if he was right.
About an hour or so later Brian walked back in the door and handed me an envelope of money, there was $3000 in there and that combined with my check would save my home. I just stared at him in shock. He told me he had taken out a loan, he couldn't let my kids lose their home.
During this time, as you can imagine we had fallen in love. Deeply in love. In fact most would argue we had been in love for two years before this. We had a friendship for years. Somehow always leaned on each other often. Yes, even sexual. I am not proud of the fact that I had "cheated" on my ex. I will always defend my actions, even if it really doesn't matter, wrong is wrong. I had tried to leave my ex for two years. We had not been happy for
several years prior to our first break up. I knew we were over and there was no hope for us, and no love left, I just didn't want to hurt him, or my family, so I always found myself going back to my ex for peace's sake.
Brian was the first person I slept with outside of my marriage, however, he was not my last. I had slept with four other people. Most of those were right after my ex had been arrested. To me it was the only way I could distract myself in the middle of the night. I refused medication, drinking, so to get my mind off from everything I used sex. Brian was the only person that was a consistent. Never thought we would have a real relationship. I didn't even know I ever wanted one again. Yet, we fell in love, long before either of us were willing to admit that we were.
Brian became my hero, he saved my life, my kids saved my life, and the daughter I believed for so many years was mine, saved my life.
As horrible as everything was for us to go through I believed that maybe it was for a reason. I told Brian several years later "Yes, it was tragic what we went through, but look what we gained out of it. I found love,
real love! We have each other. My children have the father they deserve, Kiki has a sister she longed for, I gained a daughter. We became a family. So as awful as it was to go through it, I count my blessings that we have each other..."
Now I sit here. On June 23rd, six years after that horrific day, and my husband is gone. The daughter I thought was mine, and loved as mine, has completely turned on me, left my daughter hurt and alone, no longer the sister she
thought she had. No father to guide my boys into manhood, no father there to protect the little girl he swore to always be there to protect. The verge of losing my home once again...
I remember all the times and all the years I would tell my mom I was not happy and I wanted to leave my husband, I could not handle how much he degraded me, I hated his addiction to porn. I hated that he always put his needs first above everyone else. She would always tell me time and time again "At least he's not a woman beater, a cheater, a drunk, or a drug addict." I will always remember this because that "drug addict" was more of a man, more of a father, more of a husband than my sadistic ex ever could be.
I can't see the light... I can't see the reasoning. I see only pain. He was my hero. He was my light in my total darkness. Now I'm surrounded in clouds of darkness. Children that need me to protect them from anymore pain in there life, with my little desire to live on. Because right now, I don't see a reason for any of this. None... there is no reason. Just a curse, of the lives I touch. The only thing I can keep thinking is that God took the wrong one. I don't care who hears me say this, but he did, He got it wrong. Brian was a troubled soul but he was a good man, and the heart of my life. He taught me how to live, and now I am lost, without him. This, all of this, was for nothing...